Landmark Trust stay at Whiteford Temple
First stay in a Landmark Trust property in Callington, Cornwall
Weekend in Brighton
Spent two days visiting Brighton with my friend Arrie having (spectacular) coffee, great food, long chats, and taking some nice photos.
Belgravia walk
Definitely one my favourite areas of London, a few snaps from an afternoon walk with friends.
Moorgate to Spitalfields
Quick photo-walk on a Saturday from Moorgate on our way to Spitalfields market for hand pulled noodles and soup dumplings, ending on Bricklane with a hot chocolate from Dark Sugars.
White Cliffs of Dover Day Trip
A great day trip idea, it's just over a 2 hour drive from North London, and depending on what time you leave you may have time for a stop over in Canterbury on the way back.
Returning to Iceland on our 10 year anniversary
Jenn and I returned to the land of fire and ice, this time for a road trip around the ring road to celebrate 10 years of commitment to partnership
Respecting user preferences for color scheme and contrast
I had a lot of fun building this new site and catching up on learning some CSS media queries. Here's how I used CSS custom properties and a basic system to support both a dark-mode and a high-contrast mode for my new site.
Cherry Blossoms in Greenwich Park
Nice photo-walk despite the rain and the fact that we unknowingly went on the day of an organised marathon through the park. A collection of photos for a year long project photographing the architecture and flowers of London.
Magnolia's in hampstead
A collection of photos for a year long project photographing the architecture and flowers of London, this was an after-work walk with Jen around our neighborhood to capture some of the blooming Magnolia's.
Belgravia, London photo walk
A collection of photos for a year long project photographing the architecture and flowers of London, one of our first walks of the year.
How to authenticate a user without a username, password, or database
Latest presentation October 2019, Onfido, London; previously on September Abstractions II, Pittsburgh, USA; first in February 2019, Rubyfuza & friends, Cape Town, South Africa
5 Useful things you can do with tmux
A friend at work (it’s you Yedida) asked why I use tmux instead of a regular terminal, so I thought I’d share my reasons here and explain some of the things it can do that regular terminal emulators typically can’t.
Play is a validated activity for learning
Play is a validated activity through which learning occurs. I’ve noticed in my own journey that I’ve learnt things I couldn’t have learnt in any other way than by simply having the curiosity and drive to try and “figure things out”.
If it's not a tradeoff it's a mistake
Whenever I need to make a decision I use a model because in software, every decision has a tradeoff. I find that using a model is extremely valuable as it helps put polarising views into perspective. For kicks, let’s discuss choosing a javascript framework (yikes).
Software estimation in hours with Scrum
Software estimation is difficult, and that's why I'd like to share a process that has worked for me, based on some other really smart people's thoughts. The gist of it: List what needs to be done in tasks of no larger than 4 hours. Then place them in groups according to how they can be tested by someone else.
Diagnosing cancer with machine learning
Many years ago, I gave a talk on how to diagnose cancer with machine learning. I shared this talk locally in South Africa, and twice in the USA. It was a roller coaster ride, and this why I did it...
The Dino Deep Work Policy
Getting things done when your team needs you is tough. This is my experience on a strategy that has worked for me: on notifications, focus, deep work, and being intentionally, fully present in every moment.
The horizon of software development estimation
How far into the future should a team estimate software development? To provide insights into this somewhat tricky and frustrating question, I have devised what I believe to be a useful metaphor that I want to share with you - I call it the horizon of software development estimation.
Platform45: Our Agile Design & Development Journey
August 2017, Agile Africa, Johannesburg, South Africa
View objects in Ruby with SimpleDelegator
View objects are given little love in Ruby because of Rails' lack of a true view layer in it's architecture. Let's look at some view object patterns that can help you scale your server rendered views.
Diagnosing Cancer with Machine Learning
Latest presentation August 2015 at Madison+ Ruby, Madison, WI, USA; previous June 2015 at Ruby Nation Silver Spring, MD, USA; and February 2015 at RubyFuza, Cape Town, South Africa
dotfiles, vim, & tmux
dotfiles are a developers configuration files that make them feel at home working on a machine. Here are mine.
Software Design Patterns in C++ & UML
OOP software is a complex game attempting to manage mutable state. There are well known patterns for common problems, you probably know them but don't know they had a fancy name. Here are some examples in C++.
Computer Scientist's Responsibility
Work on something that matters to the world. A developer has the ability to do this, so they should also carry some responsibility to seeing this actually happen.
Evolving Investment Strategies Using Genetic Programming
Evolve an investment strategy represented as a decision tree, referred to as the phenotype, using genetic programming, wait what?. This illustrates for a specific period, fundamental indicators winning out over technical indicators.
Vulnerability Detection System
Everyday our devices share data on public networks. The SWAP system uses active and passive scanning techniques, determines if a device is running compromised software, and blocks it from accessing the network, bummer.